Thursday 13 February 2020

Signs you Need a New Boat

Ah boating, nothing beats the sensation of going out in the vast ocean and be welcome with unwavering power of the waves. If you love the open seas, chances are you are also in love with your boat. We know you love your boat as much (or more than some) of your friends. You love to read about the latest trend and lifesaving hacks in boating. And when it comes to searching for this info, you may come across several top boats of the year. We don’t blame you if you compulsively compare these new boats to your old one. 

If you’ve been searching for a new boat, chances are, your well paid for boat outlived its usefulness and you are thinking (hard) of replacing it. Well, if you are reading this, there’s a big chance you want to replace it sooner. You’ve reached what most boaters consider a love and hate situation for their boat. It’s when they know they need to sell, replace their boat soon but don’t want to let it go. Don’t worry we understand you, it’s not just about being cheap or whatever but your boat has grown on you and you’ve been with the greatest adventure of all time

So, we list down the signs you may need to buy a new boat because there will come a time when it becomes more trouble than it’s worth. 

1. It’s been a long time since you’ve been boating 

When you first buy a boat, you want the whole world to know you have one. And you hit the water in every opportunity you have; sharing your new water toy with family and friends. But after a while, life will come knocking on your door, and you spend less and less time boating. Then, your boat got stuck somewhere waiting for overdue and expensive maintenance. 

2. Steering Problems 

Then when you find the time and able to hit the waters, you have steering problems. If your boat isn’t steering properly, then you need major repairs for it. This is an opportunity that it may well be out of your hands than do all these expensive repairs. A new boat won’t have this and you have less hassle going to the repair shop. 

3. You bring more tools than ever 

Okay, so you can once sail again and deal with steering problems, but you’ve noticed that you are bringing more tools than ever. Why? Because you are afraid of getting stuck in the middle of nowhere. So why gamble on this problem if you can just have a new boat? You don’t need to compromise safety over your love for your boat. We are sure that your new boat will bring in the same feeling like the old one.


Monday 3 February 2020

Simple Ways to Make your Bedroom Look Cozy

Your bedroom should be your silent sanctuary after your daily grind. We spend much of our day in our bedrooms so it's worth putting extra effort into making it a warm place to retreat. Whether you are dressing a tiny apartment or a country-style room, there are simple ways of sprucing up the look of your bedroom and making it the coziest place in your home.

1. Clear out the clutter 

You may not notice is, but there is one general rule that every designer and stylist follows – clear out the clutter. It’s like the holy grail of interior designers and it applies to all. Nothing is more frustrating than setting your sight in a messy room at the end of a long and tiring day. Keeping a laundry basket near your bedroom can help a lot in making it look clutter-free. It’s also a better chance that these dirty clothes will make it to the washers. 

Also, make it a habit to fix your bed right after you got out of bed. There’s a reason why the military does this all the time; they make sure to get the right things done first in the morning and everything will just follow. Your future self will thank you every night upon seeing a beautiful bed, perfect for a snuggle.

2. Add plants 

Indoor plants are a great addition to your home, as it filters out toxins in the air and giving out the much-needed oxygen you needed for breathing. Research even backed up this idea, indoor plants can calm your heart, lower your blood pressure, and even reduce muscle tension. Apart from having it aesthetically, plants can also help you overcome stress, feel positive and complete the cozy vibe of your home.

3. Dress up your windows 

Curtains can do so much more than block sunlight from your room. Windows are a key part of any room and is an element of interest. So dressing them up can add drama and elegance to your room. Try hanging your curtain a little higher than usual, even if you have a short window as it will look more interesting.

4. Add some wallpaper accents in your home 

Corners are one of the most overlooked parts of your room. Make a huge impact without having too much of a commitment by adding removable wallpaper. It’s a nice surprise looking at them and it breaks the monotonous of your bedroom. One advantage of buying wallpaper is that if the look gets outdated or you’re just tired of the look, you can easily replace it.

5. Hang an art piece and reveal your side

Your bedroom isn’t just a place of sleep, it should also reflect your personality. It's not just about the design principles, your room should at least show your interest and hobbies. Feel free to express yourself and what a great way to do it than having an art piece. Carved Lake art makes the best wood art pieces in Michigan, check out some of our art pieces here.
