Monday 3 July 2017

The Alaskan Inside Passage: Anchorage | Buy Heirloom Quality Wood Charts

Many considered Alaska as the Last Frontier, where most of its wonders kept hidden in the outside world. The peaceful and tranquil land houses the most incredible formation of the Alaskan Inside Passage. Travelers used the passage to bypass the open seas which paved the way in creating some of its interesting coastal towns. The region also has a rich history from totem poles to the Gold Rush era, making some of the architectural marvels in the area.  

The Alaskan Inside Passage was once famous for travelers who choose not to fight the harsh and sometimes ruthless open seas. But now, three coastal towns emerge within the Alaskan Inside Passage that is worth a trip to the Last Frontier, the state of Alaska.


Anchorage is the largest city in Alaska and played an important part in the past few decades. It helped mold on what we know as Alaska today. However, Anchorage is not within the Alaskan Inside Passage but serves as a home to 44% of the total Alaskan population. Who would have thought the 2,000 people who lived in Anchorage and with only one bath tent in 1915 would grow this big. Presently, Anchorage has more espresso shops than in any other state in the United States. Anchorage has shorter winter season but experiences long summer days.

In 1778, the English explorer named Captain James Cook first discovered Anchorage and was noted as the first person who described the area. A few decades after, the city of Anchorage was chosen as a site for a railroad construction which creates the industry boom in the area. The actual construction of the Alaska Railroad started in 1915, where workers began to flock the area and building tents near the shoreline of Ship Creek. The city was once a bustling town full of tents. It was just 17 votes away from becoming as ‘Tent City’ when a time came to rename ‘Anchorage’.

Here are some of the interesting facts about Anchorage:

1.    On November 23, 1920, Anchorage was incorporated in the US.
2.    When measuring land area, Anchorage is one of the largest cities in the country. Its land area measures at 1,961 square miles, about the size of the Delaware state.
3.    The flying time in Anchorage is around 9.5 hours about 90% flying time of the industrialized world. The FedEx Company chose the city as their major hub, and 26% of the US international air freight travel through the Ted Stevens Anchorage International Airport. The airport ranked as the 5th busiest cargo airport in the world. Our charts are beautiful, free shipping, satisfaction is guaranteed
4.    The Cook Inlet surrounds Anchorage which is located on a triangular peninsula in the northernmost part of the Pacific Ocean. Anchorage city received 95% of all freight coming in Alaska. D Nautical Wood Chart Maps
5.    ARCO first discovered the oil in Prudhoe Bay on the Alaska North Slope in 1968. The discovery led to the further industrial growth of Anchorage. Other major industries in Anchorage are tourism, petroleum, government, and military. Our charts are beautiful, free shipping, satisfaction is guaranteed
6.    Anchorage houses six mountain ranges including Mount McKinley, the tallest mountain in North America that stands 20,320 feet. The other mountains include Kenai, Chugach, Talkeetna, Tordillo, Aleutian and Alaska.
7.    One of the strongest earthquakes in North America hit Anchorage on a Good Friday that happened on March 27, 1964. The quake measuring 9.2 on the Richter scale claimed the lives of 115 people and lasted about five minutes.
8.    The city of Anchorage sits as far as west as the city of Honolulu, Hawaii. Located about 61 degrees north in the globe, it lies just farther north than Helsinki, Oslo, Saint Petersburg and Stockholm.
9.    Due to the severe tidal changes and very thin glacial silt, the seacoast of Anchorage consists of dangerous mudflats. Our charts are beautiful, free shipping, satisfaction is guaranteed
10.    The city named its public bus system as ‘People Mover’, (very ingenious).
11.    Anchorage boasts of more thriving habitats. It’s a home to 250 black bears and 60 grizzly bears living near the urban areas. Refined, Trendy and Realistic 3D Bathymetric Wood Charts
12.    Don’t get surprised if you see moose crossing the pedestrian lane. Moose are a common sight in the city of Anchorage. The summer population is around 250 and increases in number during the winter months, with a head count of 1,500 moose.
13.    One popular activity in the summer is fishing for the King and Silver Salmon at Ship Creek located just a few meters away from downtown.
14.    Because of the numerous remote places in Anchorage, most of these places are only accessible by plane. The youngest age to fly a plane in these parts is only 14 years old. So you can legally fly a plane at age 14 but you are not allowed to drive a car.
15.    Anchorage is, in fact, an Arctic Rainforest; with 17 inches of rain during the summer months and 132 inches of snow during spring, fall and winter. Refined, Trendy and Realistic 3D Bathy metric Wood Charts
16.    Daytime summer temperature in Anchorage is between 55F to 78F. It can drop as low as 5 to 30F during the winter months. In a year the city gets 75.5 inches of snow. 3D Nautical Wood Chart Maps
17.    Anchorage has a lot of groomed cross-country ski trails that stretches about 105 miles. Carved Lake Art is located in beautiful Charlevoix, Michigan
18.    Lake Hood has an average of 190 flights per day, one of the busiest seaplane bases in the world. Our charts are beautiful, free shipping, satisfaction is guaranteed
19.    The US chose Anchorage to host for the two previous Winter Olympics but lost to Albertville, France in 1992 and to Lillehammer, Norway in 1994.
20.    On average, Anchorage continues to experience about 300 earthquakes a day. On a brighter side, these small usually unfelt quakes help to relieve the earth’s pressure thus preventing Anchorage from suffering more destructive earthquakes.

If you are a love Alaska, you would enjoy our framed 3D Nautical Wood Chart Map: Inside Passage Bathymetric map accurately depicts the shoreline and bottom contours of Alaska The Inside Passage. Maybe share this with a friend for a gift idea!
3D Nautical Wood Chart Map Inside Passage Bathymetric Art


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