Monday 8 January 2018

Oregon Coast: History

There are so many things to learn about the world. With all the online tools we have, learning all these won’t be hard. We just need Google. We can just type a certain set of keywords, and you get your stories. With a few simple clicks, all the information you need is available. That is the power of technology. This is the modern information age we live in now. This is no different in the case in learning about Oregon Coast.

There’s a lot of rich history in Oregon Coast. In fact, you won’t be able to read everything in one sitting. You can’t learn it all in this article. But, we will attempt to summarize the essentials in this article. We will offer the best and most interesting trivia that you will enjoy learning. Let’s start.

To start learning about Oregon Coast, we may start at the fact that it’s a region in the U.S. State, Oregon. The coast generally runs across the Pacific Ocean and forms a western border that crosses the entire state. 

The Oregon Coast is also bounded to the region by what is called the Oregon Coast Range. The coast also stretches across about 363 miles of the Columbia River from the north and reaches the state border of California in the south.


The History

It may be necessary to start the history of Oregon Coast with its indigenous peoples. The first settlers of the coast started living in the area about 11,000 to 13,000 years in the past. The main reason that the indigenous tribes settled in the area was that of its rich wildlife. Its natural resources are rich, and wildlife diverse. It’s easier to survive in places like the Oregon Coast because of its rich natural landscape. 

But, there’s not enough information about these early peoples. The earliest archaeological sites that had been discovered was only about 3,500 years ago. Before that, there wasn’t enough info. 

There were also various groups and tribes who established their families near the Oregon Coast thousands of years ago. Some of these groups include the Tillamook, Alsea, Siuslaw, Coos, and Clatsop. There was not enough information to know about these tribes’ lifestyle. But, there was enough evidence to show that they developed their language and culture.

Another important historical event that happened in Oregon Coast would be European exploration. In Oregon Coast, the early recorded explorations happened in the 18th century. It was the Spanish mariners who first sailed to Oregon Coast, traveling from Mexico. The first explorer who did this was Vasco Nunez de Balboa. He traversed the entire Pacific and reached the shores of the Spanish crown. Another explorer who led the Spanish expedition was Juan Jose Perez Hernandez. Aboard the Santiago in 1774, he explored Oregon Coast and hid his records. Later on, when his records were discovered by other explorers, the credit was taken from him.

That said, Oregon Coast has a rich historical background. Learning it in this article will help you appreciate Oregon Coast more.


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