Tuesday 11 September 2018

10 Most Valuable Boating Tools You Ever Need

Ask anyone who loves the open seas if boating is fun, and they will answer yes straight in your face without batting an eye. Boating gives an extraordinary feeling of freedom and a sense of new found confidence. There a real reason why many dubbed Vitamin-Sea as such, a whip of fresh air, and lots of suns shine keeps depression at bay. With today’s modern world, technology and otherworldly vice control most of our lives, a day away from the bustling city lights can definitely recharge a tired soul. 

But being stuck in the wide open seas isn’t a very good idea at all. Nobody wants to be stranded out of nowhere especially when the Poseidon woke up on the wrong side of the bed. Fortunately, with boaters shelling out a thing or two about the secrets of boating, there are many ways to prevent such disasters. The internet of full of safety tips to the many how to’s of boating helping those new to this amazing outdoor activity.

With tips pouring in from across the globe, here are the ‘Top 10 Most Valuable Tools’ you ever need your boats. This list comprises of important tools and a comprehensive details that every boater should have whenever they sail the great wide seas. 

As there are many different types of boats, this toolkit kit may vary from one boater to another. Having a list is a great starting point for preparing to the inevitable. With the boating season fast approaching, it’s time to gather tools, make the itinerary, and sail away. Collecting these tools makes your boat complete and makes you confident to be ready for everything Mother Nature throws at you. Preparing the toolkit puts you in a lighter mood and gets you in the boating mood for that much-awaited spring get away. 

Without further ado, the Top Ten Tools you ever need are as follows: 

1. Adjustable Wrench/Crescent Wrench 

When in the middle of the night and storm fast approaching, you don’t have time to find the correct wrench size. Having this on hand makes that quick adjust stress and worry-free.

2. Crimping Tool

Electricals and water don’t go very well, and most boats have electrical problems particularly for the long-haul journey. A crimping tool can help you cut and strip insulation faster. 

3. Duct Tape and Electrical Tape

No explanation needed for this one, duct tape is every man’s best friend for almost every situation

4. Flashlight

Not just to see in the dark, flashlights serve as distress signal lights which in most cases saved many lives. 

5. Hammers

You can use hammers to flatten anvil, sled, and propeller dents.

6. Knife/Cutters

Watch every DIY shows and knives or cutters are ever present. This is another all-around tool anyone should have in their toolkit.

7. Pliers

You can use to loosen or tighten different fittings in your boat.

8. Screwdriver set

You don’t need the genius to tell you that your boat consists of countless bolts and screws, screwdriver set will be your best friend while on board.

9. Socket Set

Some engine cases are enclosed tightly and those hard to reach nuts can only be reached using a socket set.

10. Vice Grips

When voyaging alone, there are many situations where you may need a third hand badly. Vice grips can do the job well and hold any items at your own convenience. 

Depending on the boat size, there are many other tools recommended but these are the topmost useful tools. If you have a larger and more complex boat, it would be really wise to add few more tools and supplies on board. Remember the rule is to have a toolkit that concise and useful, and not just full of junks you don’t or can’t use. It would be nice to throw some items you rarely use, to be more efficient during dire times. 

Once you gather all your needed tools, look for a very sturdy toolbox – one that’s made for heavy-duty service. It should hold everything nicely and doesn’t rust like plastic or canvas that lighter than metal. Also, consider your storage space on board to house this toolbox. Another tip from expert boaters is to keep those commonly used tools from other less frequently used. This can save valuable time when disaster strikes. 

Boaters need to prepare themselves for the inevitable; having an efficient toolbox can help deal with problems faster when they arise. Fixing engines, having good light in the middle of nowhere and owning the right tools saved a lot of time more especially lives when sailing in the open seas. 


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