Friday 21 June 2019

Things that Set Savannah Apart from other Cities

Established in 1733, Savannah stands as the oldest city in Georgia. As the capital city of Chatham County, this town was one of the key ports in the American Revolution and during the Civil War. Today, Savannah is considered as a tourist epicenter attracting millions of visitors each year. Cobblestone streets lined with great restaurants and shops topped with legendary parks and graveyards are some of the top destinations in Savannah. 

What set Savannah apart from other cities are their notable historic buildings. The city even offers specific tours about this architectural marvel as well as the important history behind it all. Some of the historic buildings include Central of Georgia Railway roundhouse complex (the oldest standing antebellum rail facility in the country), the Telfair Academy of Arts and Sciences (one the first public museums in South), and of course the Georgia Historical Society (the oldest operating historical society in the South). 

Most tourists prefer having a guide to tour them around this historical city as it can be overwhelming knowing these historical locations. The city offers different tour packages; research is the key to get the best package especially if traveling in groups. 

The city is also the birthplace of Juliette Gordon Low, the founder of the Girl Scouts of the USA. It’s mandatory for any first time visitor to go in this unique house museum and learn more about Low’s principle in life and how the Girl Scouts came to be. 

Another great tourist spot in Savannah is Forsyth Park. Founded back to the 1840s, it expands up to 30 acres of the pure goodness of grounds; perfect for a Frisbee game, running, or just walking in its beautiful garden. The park has an iconic water fountain built at the center and considered as a grand landmark in Savannah. Built in 1858, the fountain is said to be modeled after the grand fountain in Paris’s Place de la Concorde. It saw some of the most amazing concerts and events during the course of its history being one of the largest parks in the South. 

What could be more perfect ending a great Savannah adventure than to admire the view from the River Street? It can be very nostalgic seeing the cobblestone street, yet marvelous to behold the modern shops and restaurants; enjoy a good taste of different culinary delicacy and other interesting finds in this part of town. 


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