Thursday 22 August 2019

Great Home Décor Ideas for Small Spaces

Home décor plays a very important part of making a house – a home. Even in tiny spaces, home décor defines the whole vibe of your home. Most people think that their options are limited when trying to decorate a small home. But in reality, there are still plenty of ways and a wide variety of options when trying to make your tiny space look perfectly put together. The key here is to take advantage of your walls and lightning.

You might think about it much but your walls are the largest space you have in your home. These empty walls can be filled with endless possibilities from hanging art deco to making bookshelves and cabinets. With just a few additions it can make your tiny apartment into a cozy and stylish space living space. 

No matter your style and preference, some decors can make your living room space look more stylish. Here are some of the best decor ideas to incorporate in your home. 


Browse any magazine and you might find something in common in tiny spaces – they hang a lot of mirrors. Mirrors reflect light and can make a room look bigger than it is. Oversize mirrors reflect the open space of the room, creating an illusion of a bigger room. Hang a mirror in your powder room or a narrow hallway. You can also place a mirror in your entryway as it makes your guest feel more welcome. With the addition of mirrors in any room, it helps tiny spaces look more pleasant and beautiful effortlessly. 

Showcase a Fabric 

For centuries, people hang tapestries on their walls and they had been doing it right. Tapestry can add color and texture to the otherwise plain walls. It adds a sense of softness and coziness to any space. Another great deal about hanging tapestry is it can be moved when it’s time to move in your next home. 

Make room for shelves 

Installing shelves and cabinets can greatly free up space in your tiny living space. Not only it looks good, but it also hides clutters and serves as a great display area for your collection. Floating shelves and display hardcovers are indispensable furniture you can ever own. 

Get A Large-Scale Art 

If you are on a bold side, you might want to experiment with large scale art. An oversized art piece will immediately set the tone in a small space. Choose from a vibrant colored piece or a black and white minimalist portrait, either way, it will create a great illusion in your tiny space. 

Go Green 

Bringing in the outdoors into your home will not only make your home look great but will smell great as well. Snake plants and the likes produce oxygen, an all-important factor of healthy living. Don’t have enough floor space? Try hanging planters in your walls or windowsill. 


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