Tuesday 5 November 2019

How to Decorate Your Home without Breaking A Bank

Whether you are moving in or staging your home in hopes of getting a prospective buyer soon, the process of it can be intimidating. It’s pretty work-intensive, and the task of packing and clearing out old space requires more than planning. Many homeowners would not want to experience this if given a choice. Then some homeowners would invest in hiring professional home stagers to do all the planning and decorating. 

Professional home stagers know how to play and focus the decoration in your hose’s strengths, hide its flaws and even make it more appealing to prospective buyers. That’s why big companies especially those in real estate pay thousands of dollars for professional stagers to decorate their main homes. 

But if you are like us, living humbly in our homes, and would want to have a fresh look in your homes, then here are some of the pro tips that can help you. 

Prep to Impress Your Front Door 

The first impression lasts and you can make it work for your homes. Your front door is the very first thing people will notice, so you need to set the tone at your front door. Painting it with a bold glossy hue can attract the eyes. As red is a color in many cultures, it’s one of the most popular paint colors for the front door. Two of the emerging trends are the color yellow and orange as these colors often associated with warmth and coziness. Also, it’s time to get rid of screen doors and replace it with full-length glass that you can switch out for a screened panel. 

Let Natural Light Shine In 

Professional stagers and interior designers cannot emphasize more in letting natural light in. It’s both economical and aesthetically appealing. Switch from heavy outdated drapes to long flowy curtains; for a professional eye, a naked window is better than a hideous one. Choose curtains that are made of linen, silk, and cotton as they hang well better than other fabrics. 

Hang Mirrors to Make Your Room Look Bigger 

One of the biggest tricks in interior design is using a mirror to have an illusion of a bigger room. Mirrors can also make space feel brighter because they bounce light. But don’t just hang a mirror anywhere, it’s best to hang them perpendicular to windows. Hanging a mirror opposite a window will bounce the light back out the window instead of letting it in. Choose one room to hang a mirror preferably in your living room to make it even brighter and inviting. 

Choose Neutral Colors 

Choosing neutral colors will give you more decorating flexibility, allowing you to have more room to play with other furniture and accessories. Neutral colors can also make small rooms look bigger especially if you have two adjacent rooms. Having a wall in this color spectrum can make your artwork more appealing and interesting. 

Choose a Personalize Art Work 

To make your space more personalize, incorporate an artwork that best represents your life and your interest. Investing in a good piece of art can add value to your homes as well. If you love boating and the great open sea, check out our 3D Nautical Wood Chart Maps and these trendy & Realistic 3D Bathymetric Wood Charts. No one makes wood maps better than us, Carved Lake Art. 


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