Thursday 5 December 2019

How to Make that Home Décor Work for Your Home

With the year progressing, some cannot help but crave a big change. Although it may seem a bit too early, trendsetters know exactly what they want. As the New Year greets everyone, so does new interior design trends, in which you can come into your new year the right way. We were previously greeted with decorative tiles, bare lighting, brass, and metallic accents. 

Fortunately, these trends may stay for good as interior designers are pleased with how these trends are carried out by homeowners. As the new year of 2020 begins, we might see more innovative takes on classic designs as well as an upgrade on stylish accents. 

Nature Invasion 

As more and more people become conscious about the environment as well as environmentalists fighting for a greener earth, it is a no-brainer as to why stylish homes are filled with nature. Indoor plants remove harmful toxins and air pollutants in our home. Not to mention, it also adds a stylish touch. This also applies to materials such as concrete, copper, granite, and much more. With houses becoming smaller and expensive, adding fresh and natural decorations might just be what you need for adding serene ambiance to tiny places. 

Incorporating Textures and Patterns 

As homeowners previously enjoyed pattern in their houses, new homeowners might just be the same. With the right textures and patterns, any room can change from boring to appealing. Interior designers appear to be playing around with a lot of textures and patterns to the basic plain wall we see every day. They enjoy bringing in textures to houses by mixing, matching, proportioning, and contrasting colors. 

Finding a Spot for Room Accents 

The perfect décor includes finding the perfect spot for the pattern and accent chosen. Designers are more drawn towards metal accents, which include copper, rose gold, as well as plenty of others with unique finishes. Earthly hues such as red, orange, and brown have made their way into homes and they seem to be staying in the year of 2020. 

One cannot go wrong with black & white décor 

Black and white: the most basic yet trendy home décor. The contrasting element of these two shades provides balance to any place. Moreover, they can be mixed with other bold textures and patterns, making them the most versatile shades. Therefore, black and white are classics that you can never go wrong with. 

Artisanal Designs 

As endless magazines and blogs have raved about artisanal designs and other artworks, it has been made a fact that investing in them is great. Not only can it be used to start conversations, but it can also be used as a focal point to add a personal touch to your home. Artisanal designs and other artworks may include portraits, paintings, your favorite book, wood art, and many more that are hand-crafted. Furthermore, it adds comfort and a homey feel for everyone to enjoy. If you’d like to add your personal touch to your home, check out our special wood carving art here.


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