Thursday 11 July 2019

What the Future Holds: Getting the Latest Trend in Home Decor

As we mark the half-year calendar, some cannot help wonder about what will be the next big thing for next year. You might think its bit too early, but trendsetters know exactly what to rave for. With each New Year come new interior design trends, so you can upgrade your home with the right vibe with ease. In the previous years, we saw some metallic accents, brass, bare lightning and decorative tiles. 

Interior designers are quite happy with how homeowners take this new trend, and it seems that it won’t be disappearing anytime soon. Experts see new decorating patterns and ideas along with timeless and elegant designs. 2020 may bring in some fresh takes on classic designs and take stylish accents into a new level. Here are some of the trends to watch out for. 

Nature Invasion 

With the environmentalist rallying for a greener earth, it’s no wonder that nature invades most stylish homes. Indoor plants do well for our body, as these can remove toxins and unwanted air pollutants circulating our home. This applies to home interior design as well like copper, concrete, granite and the likes. As living spaces become smaller and expensive as the year passes, adding fresh and natural materials will add serene ambiance to tiny spaces. 

Incorporating Textures and Patterns 

We saw a lot of pattern over the past few years, and it will not be different in the coming years. Instead, interior designers will play around a lot with incorporating textures and patterns to the otherwise boring plain wall. Textures and patterns will spice up any room or house for that matter, it’s just a matter of mixing and matching. Interior designers will find a way to bring in textures, playful proportions, and contrasting colors to refresh the look of your home. 

Finding a Spot for Room Accents 

As pattern make their way in your home, finding the perfect spot for accents amplifies the greatness for this trendy décor. Designers are rooting for metal accents as well like rose gold, copper, and other metals with different kinds of finishes. Earthly hues like red, orange and other earthly tones are seen to stay to decorate more homes for the year 2020. 

One cannot go wrong with black & white décor 

Time and again, homeowners will not go wrong to any black and white home décor. The contrast of this timeless classic provides a great balance for any room. Another great thing with black and white is their versatility of mixing it with other bold textures and patterns. No wonder this classic can never go out of style. 

Artisanal Designs 

As you may have in countless magazines and blogs, it’s great to invest in artisanal designs and other work of art. Not only it’s a conversational starter, it can be a focal point in our home as it adds a very personal touch in your home. May it be a favorite book; portrait, paintings or wood art artisanal pieces that are hand-crafted will add value to your home. It also adds a very comforting and inviting feel for everyone to enjoy. For a very personal touch, check out our unique wood carving art here. 


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