Tuesday 30 July 2019

Which Artwork is the Best?

Your home reflects your personality, and a lot of people treat theirs as a blank canvass, making it a beautiful masterpiece full of artworks. As there is a multitude of artworks available today, there are many ways to decorate your home. An artwork helps define the tone and vibe of your home, in a way it defines your personality as well. There are certain types of art pieces that go together, creating perfect harmony in your home. Also, many people considered artworks as an investment which grow their value over time. But with all the artworks available how do you know the right artwork for your home? 

To help you choose the right artwork, these are some of the guidelines you can follow in selecting the perfect artwork for your home. Selecting the right artwork for your home has never been this easy, you can spend as little or as much your heart desire. 

Timeless Classic 

If you love the art pieces that never losses it appeals, then searches for art pieces that belong to the grandeur of the past. Timeless classics like Leonardo Da Vinci, Vincent van Gogh, Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio, Claude Monet, and Raphael are a great way to add artistic design to your home. Don’t worry you don’t need to buy the real thing, as some of their masterpieces are considered priceless, you can buy cheaper versions of it (copies or printed versions). If you lean towards modern and experimental design, you might want to throw in a bit of Picasso, Wassily Kandinsky, or Jason Pollock. 

Wall Photography 

Decorating your home should not be limited by hanging paintings. Spread your imagination; better yet hang some of the most memorable places you’ve been. If you are a traveller, then you might want to hang pictures of your favourite places. Framed wall pictures of nature are always a great addition to a somewhat plain and boring wall. You can even hang your family portraits on the wall for a more dramatic feel. 

Vintage Wall Art 

If you love the good old days, there is a way where you can inject it into your home without going overboard. You can choose a lot of vintage wall décors like emblems, vehicles, drinks, and company names. Vintage wall art is actually a trend on its own, you may not notice it but a lot of places hang at least one vintage wall art on their shop. Go ahead and create your very own “nostalgia” space in your home. 

Wood Art 

One of the most interesting and unique wall arts you can hang is wood art. This amazing art form is making waves in interior design. For centuries, wood art adorns our ancestors home’ ever changing, ever evolving, and ever so stylish, wood art is a great addition to your home. With different styles, wood art keeps is ranks as a top choice for wall decoration. Check our amazing wood art collection here. 


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