Monday 30 December 2019

3 Areas To Improve to Make Your Home More Inviting

Part I: Living Room 

Living Room 

As their main purpose, living rooms are basically an area used to entertain and accommodate visitors. As these room act as the forefront of your home, it’s really important to make it comfortable as much as possible. Living rooms is also one of the focal point in houses, it deserves all the attention it can get. Setting the tone and vibe of your home usually starts with your living room. There are three main aspects in what makes living room special – these are sofa, chairs, and coffee table. But living room isn’t complete without some accessories and your very own personal touches. Don’t go overload as there is a clear difference between upscale styling to just pure clatter. Here are some of the best things you do for your living room. 

Get a Comfy Couch 

Nothing says more inviting than having a nice and comfy couch to sit in the moment you enter a house. The couch is perhaps the important aspect of a living room. Choosing the right one for your home will definitely have a big impact on the overall look of your home. 

Make Your Fireplace Stands Out 

If your home has a fireplace, even its an ugly one, don’t try to hide its unique beauty. Instead, highlight its features and decorate the mantle area with candles or decorative pieces. As tempting as it can be, don’t try to copy mantle decorations from magazines or try too hard. Finding art pieces that work with your style is important in making your fireplace stands out. 

Utilize Natural Lighting 

What make a well-lit room so inviting? It’s not just the lightning, but letting natural light in. Living room will come alive with the right lightning. Maximize that ray of sunshine by using light and vibrant paint colors as it can reflect the light and make any room a lot bigger and more inviting. Also, with having fewer curtains and opening the windows, fresh air will blow inside your home, removing any stingy smell swirling around your living room. Thus, making your living not only well-lit but also smelling great! 

Go Green 

Whether you have a green thumb or not, make sure you can get indoor plants into your home. Indoor plants make great accessories in your home and make your home smelling fresh all day. These plants are known to emit well needed oxygen into your homes. They can also remove toxins and need little attention. 

Another great idea to make your home more inviting is to find art pieces that reflects your personality. Hand made wood art is one of the many art works you can purchase, check out some our woodworks here. 


Wednesday 18 December 2019

2020 Home Interior Trends

It’s that time of the year when both interior designers and homeowners are clamoring to know all incoming trends for the year 2020. Whether you are looking for inspiration or just want an upgraded look of your home. Scouting for these trends is a must. When it comes to staying on top of the hottest trend next year, it's important to know what’s in, what’s staying and what’s ‘out’. If you are wondering what’s going to be a hit in 2020, then read on and make that change you are wanting to have. 

The minimalist living is on the rise in the past few years, and its showing to chance of slowing down. Influencers and interior designers alike are very much into the idea, now that rents are still going sky high and urban living is part of the essential lifestyle, every space count. What makes minimalism so attractive lies in its very core principle – fewer things means less clean up and more space.

Steer Away from Pink Hues 

As 2019 was all about Indigo hues, 2020 is more like terracotta and brown hues. Hues that mostly resembles earth colors are a big factor in designing homes as people find their way to connect more to nature. Choose earth colors or warmer tones as they embody coziness and warmth. This also includes grays and a limited neutral palette, so choose among warmer, richer browns hues rather than pinks and indigos. These colors can greatly complement timeless hues of whites and grays. 

All About Vintage Pieces 

Modern things can be great, but more people are starting to appreciate the beauty of vintage furniture. There had been a big shift in homeowners wanting more of vintage pieces as it reduces carbon footprint which is great for the planet. Also, these vintage pieces are more valuable as most of them are already considered as antiques. You don’t have to spend that much when buying vintage pieces. All you need is a great eye and an even greater flee market. 

Textures all the way 

Influencers and interior designers cannot stretch more on the greatness of having textures incorporated into your homes. Textures not only break that even and boring design element but they are great in giving depths to your otherwise simple homes. Having textures are not just about getting different kinds of fabric but they also include having accent pillows and walls. 

Having one Great Art Work 

A home won’t be complete without having one focal point in your home. Whether it’s your kitchen, dining, or living room, you need to have at least one great piece of artwork. Artworks are not just only for display but it also says a lot about your personality and your passion in life. How do you call it home if it doesn’t reflect your personality? A great artwork can also add value to your home and can save you an awkward moment just in case someone visited your home for the very first time. It’s the ideal icebreaker and show-stealer. 


Friday 13 December 2019

Best Tips for New Boaters

Thinking about getting a boat? Chances are you are among the many who loves the great vast ocean and boating. As its starting to get warmer again, summer has officially begun. It’s that time of the year to unlatch your boat and search for the best fishing spot in town. Before you cast your line you need to launch your boat. That pretty easy to say when you are already an experienced boater, but it’s different for first-time boaters. 

Modern-day technology can make any first-time boaters' life easier, as tips and practical advice comes as easy as a touch of a button. One can find tips from buying, boat handling, equipping, to maintaining boats. But behold, even with this gift, it’s hard to discern the truths from hearsay; and that exactly where the problem lies for first-time boaters. There are way too many tips to comprehend at once. 

While most boating magazines and blogs post practical tips, it’s still a lot to read. We understand the struggle, so we come up and summarize some of the simplest yet most practical boating tips out there. Here they are: 

Always check the weather 

Every boater, even experience ones, check the weather on a daily basis, because of climate change, Mother Nature makes it harder for anyone to know her temper. That being said, don’t be afraid to cancel or change your plans. A simple rain pour can drastically change into a dangerous thunderstorm in under a minute, and it’s always safe to stay ashore when the weatherman advises you to do so. Ask any boaters and they will all agree how open waters are very dangerous to traverse. Also, it would help if you know the times of high and low tides before you head out. These include waterways, ocean inlet, and tributaries, to avoid any grounding during low tides in certain areas, especially unmarked areas. 

Always bring your life essentials 

No one leaves their house without their cellphones and wallets, so why should you? Even if your boat is built with the state of the art telecommunication devices, always bring your fully charged cell phones, keys, and wallet in a waterproof bag. You’ll never know what will happen next or when your boat is going to lose power and it’s easier to contact emergency hotlines in a cell phone. No matter how busy you make sure another person knows where you are going. 

Dress to impress 

No, it doesn’t only apply for dates, but boaters as well. Always overdress as you can always take your clothes off when it gets too hot. But it’s difficult to find additional clothing when the weather gets too chilly and you got stuck out of nowhere. Depending on where you are heading, always apply tons of sunscreen, you would want to ruin a great adventure by getting a bad sunburn. 

Go Slow! 

Not everything that runs fast is good, here in the open waters, slow is good. Go slow particularly when docking. Sailings slow even if there are no geographical landmarks that are key to keeping everyone safe. 

Make sure to have fun. You are going boating and that means you are going to a great adventure ahead of you. Don’t forget to bring lots of snacks and water.


Thursday 5 December 2019

How to Make that Home Décor Work for Your Home

With the year progressing, some cannot help but crave a big change. Although it may seem a bit too early, trendsetters know exactly what they want. As the New Year greets everyone, so does new interior design trends, in which you can come into your new year the right way. We were previously greeted with decorative tiles, bare lighting, brass, and metallic accents. 

Fortunately, these trends may stay for good as interior designers are pleased with how these trends are carried out by homeowners. As the new year of 2020 begins, we might see more innovative takes on classic designs as well as an upgrade on stylish accents. 

Nature Invasion 

As more and more people become conscious about the environment as well as environmentalists fighting for a greener earth, it is a no-brainer as to why stylish homes are filled with nature. Indoor plants remove harmful toxins and air pollutants in our home. Not to mention, it also adds a stylish touch. This also applies to materials such as concrete, copper, granite, and much more. With houses becoming smaller and expensive, adding fresh and natural decorations might just be what you need for adding serene ambiance to tiny places. 

Incorporating Textures and Patterns 

As homeowners previously enjoyed pattern in their houses, new homeowners might just be the same. With the right textures and patterns, any room can change from boring to appealing. Interior designers appear to be playing around with a lot of textures and patterns to the basic plain wall we see every day. They enjoy bringing in textures to houses by mixing, matching, proportioning, and contrasting colors. 

Finding a Spot for Room Accents 

The perfect décor includes finding the perfect spot for the pattern and accent chosen. Designers are more drawn towards metal accents, which include copper, rose gold, as well as plenty of others with unique finishes. Earthly hues such as red, orange, and brown have made their way into homes and they seem to be staying in the year of 2020. 

One cannot go wrong with black & white décor 

Black and white: the most basic yet trendy home décor. The contrasting element of these two shades provides balance to any place. Moreover, they can be mixed with other bold textures and patterns, making them the most versatile shades. Therefore, black and white are classics that you can never go wrong with. 

Artisanal Designs 

As endless magazines and blogs have raved about artisanal designs and other artworks, it has been made a fact that investing in them is great. Not only can it be used to start conversations, but it can also be used as a focal point to add a personal touch to your home. Artisanal designs and other artworks may include portraits, paintings, your favorite book, wood art, and many more that are hand-crafted. Furthermore, it adds comfort and a homey feel for everyone to enjoy. If you’d like to add your personal touch to your home, check out our special wood carving art here.


Wednesday 27 November 2019

Traits of A Great Boater

Although many can work a boat and train to be an experienced sailor, skipper, or a captain, not everyone is able to do an exceptional job doing it. As we know, there are plenty of qualities that are included in being a good boater. However, there are two most important qualities: compassion and calmness amid any circumstances they are faced with. Not only will these qualities be seen on the outside, they can also be influential to those around and inspire everyone on board. 

Other qualities are being able to communicate their expectations and not underestimating what Mother Nature has to offer while ashore. For those who are working in larger boats and ships, whether it may be a boater or a captain, they need to be more hands-on and have good leadership to set an example to their crew. Furthermore, they need to be compassionate about their crew’s wellbeing and make a positive work environment. Here is a list of a good boater’s common traits and qualities. 

Able to communicate with their fellow boater effectively 

An essential quality that a good boater needs is leadership. Having good leadership means being able to strategize and maximize the efficiency of the crew, resulting in good teamwork. A good leader is able to command while still giving motivation to the crew. 

They prioritize teamwork 

Being committed to making sure that there is good working harmony to the crew, makes a good boater. No sailor is able to run the boat alone—boaters need a team with good teamwork to accomplish tasks and safety successfully. For those working on large boats, a good leader would make sure work is divided equally and fairly to the crew. 

Great decision maker 

Many find themselves indecisive when making decisions on their day to day lives; this may be as simple as going out or staying home to eat. However, for a boater, being a good decision maker is one of the most important skill they must acquire. Being able to make decisions quickly is crucial for safety of everyone on board—one wrong decision or any slight misjudgments can run result in tragedies. 

Must be disciplined 

Being disciplined is good for any job or role. However, a good boater must live and breathe discipline. A good boater abides by the rules and regulations for the safety and wellbeing over those on board. For those boarding larger ships, captains must set an example for their crew; discipline is a universal skill that results in respect.


Tuesday 19 November 2019

The Long History of Wood Art

For centuries, the wood had fascinated the human mind, with its versatility, durability, and is always full of surprises. Wood is perhaps the oldest if not the most challenging art material artists ever used. It’s quite amazing how wood carvers can turn a log piece of log into an amazing log with just using hammer and chisel. Wood art has a long and rich history. It’s one of the world’s oldest professions and remains highly respected to this day. 

Wood is deemed as a perfect material for groundbreaking art and even experienced artists are astonished how wood can change and dictate how it’s going to be formed. Artists may begin a concept on their mind but during the processed wood, it has its way of making it into something else – an art form worth marveling about. Indeed, wood proved itself as a viable contemporary art material – one that earned its name anything more than a mere craft.

Every woodcarver has its own set of tools and types of machinery to cut, shape and sand wood. But with the emergence of digital tools for fabrication, artists used it as a will for making intricate wood designs. These help them to conceptualize, design and carved each wood. It doesn’t just allow them with the design but it lets them work more efficiently and productively – without compromising its quality. 

There are hundreds of videos available, from DIY frit bowl to sculpting art pieces. With materials showing how artists can make great wood art, more people are getting into this industry. Technology has done a great amount of influence when it comes to wood art. Because of modernism, wood carvers can make intricate designs and somehow pushing beyond the limit of wood versatility. Some tools had been made specifically to make designs that are never been achieved in the past. It only shows how modern technology revolutionized traditional wood carving art. Check some of or intricate map designs and amazing pieces of wood art here. 


Thursday 14 November 2019

How to Declutter your Home?

There’s one trend that has been long overdue but is now making a comeback. A minimalist style of living is the new trend that has homeowners been gushing about. It all starts with a simple decluttering of your home, then your mind, and soon after that – your life. What makes a simple living so great is of course with having so little can make a big impact in our daily lives. 

The idea of living a simple life attracts many homeowners, but often, as they begin the process will feel overwhelmed, anxious and then they just stopped. They eventually accept the defeat of the idea of owning less. However, there is the best way to tackle all the unnecessary mess, and that is to take it one room, one stage at a time. 

Learning to declutter your home isn’t as hard as it sounds, as some may make it out to be. It’s a long process but the rewards are great and the benefits are far more what you can imagine. Here are some of the benefits of living simple and how to live clutter-free. 

We all know how tedious cleaning is, it’s a daily chore we have to face every single day, and it’s hard. Having fewer things to clean means more time for your family. You don’t have to do all the de-cluttering in one sitting, you can start a few minutes at a time and slowly build your momentum. It’s best to focus on one room, remove all the things you haven’t use in 6 months. There’s a big possibility you no longer need it. If you are feeling a bit guilty of throwing unused clothes, you can donate it at Goodwill. 

When you had slowly moved from one room to another, there are fewer things to organize and finding things will suddenly become easier. Keys, remote controls, and wallets don’t just disappear anymore as you can move around your home a lot better and you have more space to enjoy. People swear that their stress level eventually decreases after de-cluttering their homes. They can see and enjoy all the things they love. Those artworks hanging will have its spectacular space. 

Then once you ‘owned’ and embrace minimalistic living, you can find yourself having less debt. Why? Because you no longer pursue the latest and seasonal decorations – no purchases, no expenses, equals more savings. With less debt, you can have more financial freedom to enjoy what matters most in your life. Loves fishing or the great outdoors? That dream vacation can now be a reality. With fewer things to think about, you can enjoy living a full life - clutter-free. 


Tuesday 5 November 2019

How to Decorate Your Home without Breaking A Bank

Whether you are moving in or staging your home in hopes of getting a prospective buyer soon, the process of it can be intimidating. It’s pretty work-intensive, and the task of packing and clearing out old space requires more than planning. Many homeowners would not want to experience this if given a choice. Then some homeowners would invest in hiring professional home stagers to do all the planning and decorating. 

Professional home stagers know how to play and focus the decoration in your hose’s strengths, hide its flaws and even make it more appealing to prospective buyers. That’s why big companies especially those in real estate pay thousands of dollars for professional stagers to decorate their main homes. 

But if you are like us, living humbly in our homes, and would want to have a fresh look in your homes, then here are some of the pro tips that can help you. 

Prep to Impress Your Front Door 

The first impression lasts and you can make it work for your homes. Your front door is the very first thing people will notice, so you need to set the tone at your front door. Painting it with a bold glossy hue can attract the eyes. As red is a color in many cultures, it’s one of the most popular paint colors for the front door. Two of the emerging trends are the color yellow and orange as these colors often associated with warmth and coziness. Also, it’s time to get rid of screen doors and replace it with full-length glass that you can switch out for a screened panel. 

Let Natural Light Shine In 

Professional stagers and interior designers cannot emphasize more in letting natural light in. It’s both economical and aesthetically appealing. Switch from heavy outdated drapes to long flowy curtains; for a professional eye, a naked window is better than a hideous one. Choose curtains that are made of linen, silk, and cotton as they hang well better than other fabrics. 

Hang Mirrors to Make Your Room Look Bigger 

One of the biggest tricks in interior design is using a mirror to have an illusion of a bigger room. Mirrors can also make space feel brighter because they bounce light. But don’t just hang a mirror anywhere, it’s best to hang them perpendicular to windows. Hanging a mirror opposite a window will bounce the light back out the window instead of letting it in. Choose one room to hang a mirror preferably in your living room to make it even brighter and inviting. 

Choose Neutral Colors 

Choosing neutral colors will give you more decorating flexibility, allowing you to have more room to play with other furniture and accessories. Neutral colors can also make small rooms look bigger especially if you have two adjacent rooms. Having a wall in this color spectrum can make your artwork more appealing and interesting. 

Choose a Personalize Art Work 

To make your space more personalize, incorporate an artwork that best represents your life and your interest. Investing in a good piece of art can add value to your homes as well. If you love boating and the great open sea, check out our 3D Nautical Wood Chart Maps and these trendy & Realistic 3D Bathymetric Wood Charts. No one makes wood maps better than us, Carved Lake Art. 


Monday 28 October 2019

Boating in Lake Huron

Boating in the Great Lakes, well Lake Huron to be exact is intoxicating and it so marvelous. It’s both magical and exhilarating experience; imagine sailing through the clear waters and breathing the freshest air of the north. Cruising through its clear waters, travelers can experience a trip with what other boaters would take years to achieve as the lake can have passages as wide as 20 miles and channels with only less than 50 feet. 

Lake Huron is considered as one of the best cruising ground in the world. Complete its 160-nautical mile journey and you can easily see why the lake has the best of everything. In addition to boating, Manitoulin Island surrounds Lake Huron. This also makes hiking in Lake Huron more exciting, as the largest freshwater island hides pristine beaches, amazing waterfalls, and colorful rock formations. But that’s not all Lake Huron has been hiding, deep in its icy cold waters, diving enthusiasts can head on an adventure exploring many shipwrecks littered in the lake’s bottom.

Because of its location along with the inhabited stretch of the Canadian border, Lake Huron played a prime role in the war of 1812. The lake has a long history and played and saw many naval battles at the time. Travelers can visit several military forts along Lake Huron’s coastline if you are lucky you can catch some of its tours. A lot of boaters prefer Lake Huron as several major cities sit along its shoreline including the Detroit metro area and Windsor. The lake is great not just for boating but for swimming and hiking as well. There are coastal campgrounds that are popular for families with smaller children. 

However, the pinnacle of the all journey in Lake Huron is fishing, as there are countless fishing spots within the lake. To celebrate cultural diversity surrounding Lake Huron, one can find festivals, a farmer's market, and special fairs across its borders which make docking more fun. If you are looking for more adventure, you can easily go to Lake Michigan which sits at the end of Lake Huron. 


Friday 18 October 2019

Boating in Lake Ontario

About 400 years ago, Samuel de Champlain made a great discovery traversing the wide-open sea. Along with other voyageurs onboard his boat, they mapped a large body of water of now what we call Lake Ontario. They work tirelessly exploring every corner of the land they can find cruising along the many waterways and discovering more of the dense wilderness. 

With its beauty and relatively peaceful water flow, Lake Ontario’s name is derived from an Iroquois word meaning ‘beautiful lake’. The lake is considered as the smallest of all the Great Lakes with just a surface area of 7,340 square miles. But don’t let it fool you, its water runs deep as it holds four times the water volume of Lake Erie. 

Boaters easily considered Lake Ontario as a great destination for recreational boaters. With the lake sheer expanse of open and calm water, Lake Ontario’s can simply disappear into the horizon from most vantage points. The lake is so beautiful that residents living along the shoreline own as many boats as the rest of Canada combined. Lake Ontario boasts of many different kinds of boasts from small fishing boats, pontoons, day cruisers, runabouts to performance boats. Of course, the lake is also littered with larger yachts and luxurious seasoned sailboats that saw most parts of the world. 

There are many family vacation spots in Lake Ontario there is no off-peak season in the area as it offers recreational activities year-round. Anyone can access the lake via the New York state and it serves as the doorway to Saint Lawrence Seaway and the Atlantic Ocean. It’s a very familiar sight to see large sailboats and luxurious yacht in Lake Ontario making it their final stop before entering the vast ocean. 
The lake also serves as a major seaway and port for huge international shipping boats coming from the Great Lakes. As there are few smaller cities along Lake Ontario’s shoreline, this makes it a perfect boating destination. They are plenty of undisturbed natural area great with great fishing spots. Don’t forget the sandy beaches! It may not be as good as the other Great Lakes, but Lake Ontario can fulfill your dream vacation of swimming in its cold waters and getting tanned. Can’t get enough of Lake Ontario? Then decorate your home with our 3D Nautical Wood Chart Maps and other many great wood art souvenirs. 


Tuesday 8 October 2019

Boating in Lake Superior

As the largest freshwater lake systems, the Great Lakes attract thousands of boating enthusiasts worldwide. The lakes have something to offer for any kind of boater, whether a newbie or a seasoned sailor. The lakes are not just known for their waters, but it’s a combination of breathtaking scenery, unique wildlife, and historical sites. 

A seasoned sailor can stay for months navigating the Great Lakes as it’s connected. There are many waterways and canal that boaters used to cross the lakes. Many passed through the Erie Canal and Saint Lawrence Seaway as a passageway between the lakes and the Atlantic Ocean. It doesn’t have great marina but one can easily find a good dock strategically spaced along the coastline of Lake Erie and Lake Ontario. Another way to reach Lake Huron is through the Soo Locks. 

First discovered by Brûlé in the north, the lake was named after the French word “lac supérieur” meaning upper lake. Lake Superior stands not just as the largest of all the Great Lakes but also the largest freshwater lake in the world. It the northernmost of all the Great Lakes and has the shortest boating season and is always cold to swim. 

Most boaters seek adventure in Lake Superior’s waters as it offers a vast playground and many water activities topped with great sceneries. The northern area of the lake offers natural beauty and popular destination for power boaters and sportsmen. Lined with great national parks, Lake Superior never disappoints with its stark and beautiful sceneries. Stop at the Painted Rocks National Lakeshore to see a collection of steep sandstone cliffs, illuminated by Turquoise waters splattered with swaths of orange, red, and colors. This makes it even more popular for both hikers and mountain climber enthusiasts. 

Another great destination, the Isle Royale National Park is a great biological community that helps with thriving the wolf and moose population in the area without interference by man. Lake Superior also hides many shipwrecks dating back as far as the early 1800s. Because of the water temperature, the lake magnificently preserves these shipwrecks. 

When traversing Lake Superior waters always keep a sharp eye for wildlife. Whether onboard a boat or on the road, at any given time, it’s common to see wolves, deer, moose, fox, and some rare sightings of a lynx. Of course, one cannot sail on Lake Superior’s water without reeling in a great catch of fish. 

Fishing in Lake Superior is so good that anglers often flock the area every year as soon as its boating season. Lake Superior is home to a variety of fish, anglers from around the country and its borders, spent the season reeling in walleye, muskellunge, large and smallmouth lake trout, and northern pike. However, keep in mind that there are limits to the number of fish that can be reeled in. 


Thursday 3 October 2019

Boating Tips in Lake Michigan

The Great Lakes is one of the biggest wonders Mother Nature gifted us. It’s so vast that it borders two countries, the US and Canada. Boating is a very popular recreational activity in these parts, as it provides a combination of breathtaking scenery, unique wildlife, historical sites, and all in is within the boundaries of great cities that lined the Great Lakes shores. 

All of the five Great Lakes offer great boating experience for all types of boaters; a sailboat, large pleasure boats, and small ski boats. As these Great Lakes have its characteristics and temperament, one should be wary about the different conditions of the lakes. For those who are trying to venture the Great Lakes for the first time, there are tons of boating information available. Here is one of them. 

Tips When Boating In Lake Michigan

Most of the lake stretches the shorelines of Michigan and Wisconsin crossing small borders of Indiana and Illinois. Many great cities are surrounding Lake Michigan but the most popular remains the city of Chicago. Boaters often time follow the Great Lakes trail starting from the east saving the best for last wherein the final destination will be Chicago, as it lies to the southwest area of the lake. 

Lake Michigan is known as one of the windiest lakes and waves can be choppy. The best time traverse its water is during high summer when it’s usually calm enough to run a boat on flat or smooth sailing. For those who are not yet a fun of tides and great waves, consider boating Lake Michigan during this time. 

One can never run out activities and things to do in Lake Michigan, both on the waters and when docking. The northern area of the lake is known for its major iron ore extraction and states like Wisconsin and Northern Michigan offers tours to these sites. Littered yet properly mapped, there are many shipwrecks enticing divers for great adventure underwater. Indiana and Michigan are known for their beautiful coastlines and pristine waters decorated with sand dune parks. 

Families can also enjoy swimming in many of Michigan’s great beaches while adrenaline junkies will have a great time in a famed coast guard station in southern Michigan. These parts are more popular for its extreme water sports because of its steep waves. It’s the same waves that draw out the perfect wind for windsurfing, surfing, and parasailing. 

Can’t stop thinking about Lake Michigan? Check out some of or bestselling unique wood art here. 


Thursday 12 September 2019

5 Easy Steps To Make Your Home More Inviting

We all been there, browsing through magazines and ogling at how showrooms arrange pieces of furniture in s such an inviting way. No, it’s not j just about having expensive art pieces, but it’s how we arrange certain things in our home that sets the mood and vibe that makes it inviting. You don’t have to depend much with the design to make your guest feel welcomed and at home. 

An inviting home makes it both enjoyable and memorable for you u and your guests. Here are 5 easy and inexpensive ways to make your home look cozier and inviting. 

1. Make Your Entryway and Front Door Set the Inviting Tone 

As your front door is the very first thing your guest will notice, let it speak for the rest of your home. As much as you would like to decorate it, make it simple and obstruction-free. Adding an indoor plant to the side of your door will do wonders as it clears out toxins and produces oxygen, the guest will feel a bit of fresh air. Don’t forget to designate a place for coat hangers and boots so don’t need to feel embarrassed opening a dark unclean closet somewhere in your home. Putting a big welcome mat can also make a difference. 

2. Clear The Clutter 

Nobody wants to clear away random things at the table j just to make room for dinner. And you wouldn’t stay in a room full of unused items, so make it clutter-free as much as possible. As Marie Condo used to say “If it doesn’t spark JOY, throw it” or something like it. Having a clear nice space can instantly add an inviting tone and g guest will feel more welcome as they have a place to sit on and relax. 

3. Let More Natural Light In 

Read magazines and interior design tips on the internet and they all have one in common – let natural light in. More architects and engineers contemplate how to harness and integrate natural light when building houses. Open up the blinds and choose light airy curtains as it also helps trick the eye in making small rooms look bigger. 

4. Indulge In Soft Linens And Pillows 

Pillows and linens are soft to touch and can immediately create a cozy vibe. As you may never know who your next guest is and as someone is always cold, no matter what the weather is, an extra pair of pillows is always appreciated. You can also play with textures, as it creates depth and variation of colors to the room, it’s a great and inexpensive way of making your home more inviting. 

5. Add At Least One Personalized Furniture Piece. 

To make your home not only inviting but interesting as well, add at least one personalized piece of furniture to a room. It’s also a great conversation starter if you are having a person visit your home for the first time. It doesn’t need to be on a pricey art gallery, try to showcase your hobby, if you love traveling try maps or a unique coffee table. Running out of ideas? Try one of our 3-D NAUTICAL WOOD CHART of your favorite place. 


Friday 6 September 2019

Best Things to Do in Lake Tahoe

As one of the most popular destinations in the US, Lake Tahoe attracts thousands of visitors year-round. There’s no denying that its natural beauty and majestic views are out of this world. With pristine blue water, luscious greenery topped with perfect snow peak mountains it’s hard not to fall in love with Lake Tahoe. Visitors come to Lake Tahoe to ski in its perfect powered snow mountain peaks and to experience its first-class resorts. 

Blessed with amazing views, crystal clear water, mysterious shipwrecks, and majestic mountains, Lake Tahoe has it all and the best time to visit is – anytime! Lake Tahoe has many great hiking and diving spots as well as world-renowned ski resorts. Here are some of the best places to visit whenever visiting Lake Tahoe. 

Donner Memorial State Park 

Named after a tragic event during the winter season of 1846-1847, Donner Memorial State Park preserves the site of the Donner Camp. The unfortunate members of the Donner Party were trapped by the harsh winter weather and caught without shelter or adequate supplies and resorted to cannibalism just to survive. The visitor center entertains tourists with exhibits related to the culture and history of the place. Visitors will have an in-depth understanding of the Donner Party, First Transcontinental Railroad, and Native Americans. 

Emerald Bay State Park 

Located at the very heart of Lake Tahoe, Emerald Bay State Park is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the area. The park features a large Scandinavian mansion named Vikingsholm, where people come in for a mandatory photo op. Eagle Falls doesn’t disappoint tourists with its great views and majestic landscape. Its underwater park doesn’t shy away from tourists as it hides many boat wrecks waiting to be discovered. 

Heavenly Ski Resort 

Located within the border of Nevada and California, Heavenly Ski Resort boasts of 97 runs and 30 lifts strategically located at for base sites between these two states. The resort usually opens during the mid-November lasting through mid-April. Its slope has an average of 360 inches of combined powered natural snow and manmade snow, an apparent reason to visit Lake Tahoe. 

Hiking at South Lake Tahoe 

Even without a set destination in Lake Tahoe, a quiet hike in Lake Tahoe is a great reason to come to the area. It’s one of the most scenic hiking trails in Lake Tahoe if not the best. Appreciate nature at its fineness especially the lakeside and lake-view trails. Soak up under the sun and breathe rejuvenating alpine scenery while having a mild workout. 


Monday 26 August 2019

Best Handcrafted Gift Ideas

Why settle for store-bought gifts when you can create your very own presents. When gifts are handmade, it has special meaning as it takes time and effort to make something extraordinary out of nothing. Handcrafted gifts carry a meaningful message as they are created with such passion and love, no matter what the occasion is. There plenty of creative handmade gifts for everyone and every occasion, from coasters to bowls, and even 3D Nautical Wood Chart. These gifts will surely be a hit to your loved ones. 

Here are some of the most creative handcrafts gifts: 


Here’s an easy DIY anyone can do within minutes – coasters. You can paint them, soak them in colorful resin, and decorate them. Another cool thing to do is to make coasters out of Popsicle sticks and thin boards. Want to make a unique design? Shape them into pallets and you’ll have cute mini pallet coasters, perfect for any cup. 

Decorative Sign Boards 

Do you have great handwriting? Then showcase it in making decorative signboards. Decorative signboards are a great way to personalized kitchens, living rooms, bedrooms, and powder rooms. Choose your favorite quote and write them down in plain boards. As everyone loves decorative signs, you will never go wrong with these as gifts. 

Painted Wooden Bowls 

Great for appetizers and nuts, wooden bowls is a simple yet very indispensable kitchen tool. They can also be used as fruit bowls and table designs. Create a simple masterpiece in painting these bowls. Consider designs like stripes, flowers, and polka dots, as these bowls are both functional and decorative these keepsakes will lasts decades. 

Coat Rack 

Coat racks make daily life convenient, as it’s the very first furniture that greets you by the door; you hang almost everything on it, from your coats, bags, and keys ready to pick up next morning. So, it’s a great gift to give to your loved ones. Switch it up a notch and make it as a smart décor piece, create a custom coat hanger in decorating the knobs and border to compliment any home. 

Wood art 

Wood art is one of the most unique gifts you can ever gift to your loved one. Woodworking has been around for centuries, ever since the first civilization flourished. Today, there is a wide variety of wood art to choose from abstract standalone art to beautiful maps. Carved Lake Art makes high quality of clockworks and nautical home décor. We even make a 3D model of your choice of maps, check our amazing products here. 


Thursday 22 August 2019

Great Home Décor Ideas for Small Spaces

Home décor plays a very important part of making a house – a home. Even in tiny spaces, home décor defines the whole vibe of your home. Most people think that their options are limited when trying to decorate a small home. But in reality, there are still plenty of ways and a wide variety of options when trying to make your tiny space look perfectly put together. The key here is to take advantage of your walls and lightning.

You might think about it much but your walls are the largest space you have in your home. These empty walls can be filled with endless possibilities from hanging art deco to making bookshelves and cabinets. With just a few additions it can make your tiny apartment into a cozy and stylish space living space. 

No matter your style and preference, some decors can make your living room space look more stylish. Here are some of the best decor ideas to incorporate in your home. 


Browse any magazine and you might find something in common in tiny spaces – they hang a lot of mirrors. Mirrors reflect light and can make a room look bigger than it is. Oversize mirrors reflect the open space of the room, creating an illusion of a bigger room. Hang a mirror in your powder room or a narrow hallway. You can also place a mirror in your entryway as it makes your guest feel more welcome. With the addition of mirrors in any room, it helps tiny spaces look more pleasant and beautiful effortlessly. 

Showcase a Fabric 

For centuries, people hang tapestries on their walls and they had been doing it right. Tapestry can add color and texture to the otherwise plain walls. It adds a sense of softness and coziness to any space. Another great deal about hanging tapestry is it can be moved when it’s time to move in your next home. 

Make room for shelves 

Installing shelves and cabinets can greatly free up space in your tiny living space. Not only it looks good, but it also hides clutters and serves as a great display area for your collection. Floating shelves and display hardcovers are indispensable furniture you can ever own. 

Get A Large-Scale Art 

If you are on a bold side, you might want to experiment with large scale art. An oversized art piece will immediately set the tone in a small space. Choose from a vibrant colored piece or a black and white minimalist portrait, either way, it will create a great illusion in your tiny space. 

Go Green 

Bringing in the outdoors into your home will not only make your home look great but will smell great as well. Snake plants and the likes produce oxygen, an all-important factor of healthy living. Don’t have enough floor space? Try hanging planters in your walls or windowsill. 


Tuesday 13 August 2019

Why are Great Lakes so Important?

The five Great Lakes, Lake Superior, Lake Michigan, Lake Huron, Lake Erie, and Lake Ontario hold the largest freshwater on earth. Interconnected by natural and artificial waterways its very formation is so large it can be seen from space. 

Since ancient times the Native Americans first inhabited the Great Lakes. The five great lakes played a very vital role in forming the early civilization, wherein 120 bands of native tribes occupied the surrounding of the great lakes throughout the course of history. Some of the notable tribes inhabited the Great Lakes include the Sioux, Ottawa, Potawatomi, Chippewa, Fox, Iroquois, and Huron. Their civilization was significant in its own way event the Great Lakes was named after them. Native Americans also had an important role when the European explorers arrived in the country in the early 1600s, which help flourish the fur trade economy. 

Home to Millions of People 

Located in North America, within the US and Canada boundary the Great Lakes watershed houses about 40 million people. In the US alone, four of the twelve largest cities are located around the shores of the Great Lakes, they represent around 10% of the U.S. population. As the lake provides faster travel within and about the Great Lakes, it constitutes inland water transportation system in the world. The lake also played an important role in the economic development of the two countries. 

The Great Lakes also serve as a great recreational place for people living in the US and Canada. The Great Lakes even has its own thriving boat industry solely for recreation, as there are a lot of newly constructed canals catering vacationers into the region. Even secluded lake wilderness areas attracted people seeking out natural health benefits from mineral waters. 

The Lakes Supply most of the Natural Resources 

Covering about 94,000 miles and holding 5,500 cubic miles of freshwater, the Great Lakes provide drinking water to millions of people living in America and Canada. They contain about 18% of the world’s total fresh water. But people don’t just rely on the Great Lakes for their drinking water, as the lakes also have a diverse ecosystem and produce food for its inhabitants. A staggering 37% of the total land area of the lakes is devoted to agriculture and supplies tons of food sold in local supermarkets throughout the US and Canada. 

The Lake Weather is Perfect for Making Wines 

The Great Lakes is so huge that it even has its own Microclimate, and this is ideal for making wines. Apparent to this lake weather, hundreds of wineries scattered within the boundaries of the Great Five Lakes. As land and water have different characteristics, this fact is known to the ‘lake people’. Water takes longer to cool down and warm up; winemakers take advantage of this lake weather in creating the world’s best wines. As a result, this particular wine making draws international attention. Every year wine tours attract millions of people, even creating a particular wine tasting tourist industry. 


Wednesday 7 August 2019

What are the Best Areas in your Home to Decorate?

People spend time, money and a lot of effort in making sure their homes will look spotless and well maintained. So, mounting wall art whether a sophisticated looking sculpture or a great painting masterpiece show your artistic prowess to friends and family. Wall art needs a specific space, the perfect height, and the right amount of light to get the full dramatic effect. As you have a basically unlimited option where to hang your wall art, there are certain rooms that can really get it noticed.

Here are the top three areas where you can hang your wall art. 


Most people overlook their kitchen as an ideal place to decorate. Considered as the “heart of the home”, kitchen needs to be incorporated to the total look of your home. It is not just an area for cooking and dining, we spent most of our time here. This area longs for art since time immemorial, but nevertheless, you can still make up for it. To keep up with the artistic realm of your home, choose smaller pieces of artworks that you can put on top of your counter tops and table. Smaller pieces can complement but not overwhelm the space. 


There are no surprises that people put a lot of effort decorating their bedroom. Since the bedroom is your retreat and resting place for relaxation, an artwork can make the room more inviting and pleasing. Choose an artwork that will best reflect your personality; after all, it’s your sanctuary after a hard day of work. You don’t need to shy away from large scale pieces of artworks, as your bedroom is the perfect place to display such amazing masterpieces. Lean towards soothing color, landscape or a subtle colored portrait. Keeping the frames minimal can really help a lot in focusing more on the pictures, making it more elegant looking. 

Living Room 

One of the most exciting yet intimidating rooms to decorate is your living room. Your living room is where you entertain your guest, so it’s best to choose unique and interesting art pieces. This will help break the ice to some of the awkward silence during a visit. For your living room, you can choose one large scale piece or a gallery styled paintings, the key is to think outside the box. You may want to consider choosing a customized wood art carving like maps and clockworks. Check out some of our amazing wood art collection here. 


Tuesday 30 July 2019

Which Artwork is the Best?

Your home reflects your personality, and a lot of people treat theirs as a blank canvass, making it a beautiful masterpiece full of artworks. As there is a multitude of artworks available today, there are many ways to decorate your home. An artwork helps define the tone and vibe of your home, in a way it defines your personality as well. There are certain types of art pieces that go together, creating perfect harmony in your home. Also, many people considered artworks as an investment which grow their value over time. But with all the artworks available how do you know the right artwork for your home? 

To help you choose the right artwork, these are some of the guidelines you can follow in selecting the perfect artwork for your home. Selecting the right artwork for your home has never been this easy, you can spend as little or as much your heart desire. 

Timeless Classic 

If you love the art pieces that never losses it appeals, then searches for art pieces that belong to the grandeur of the past. Timeless classics like Leonardo Da Vinci, Vincent van Gogh, Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio, Claude Monet, and Raphael are a great way to add artistic design to your home. Don’t worry you don’t need to buy the real thing, as some of their masterpieces are considered priceless, you can buy cheaper versions of it (copies or printed versions). If you lean towards modern and experimental design, you might want to throw in a bit of Picasso, Wassily Kandinsky, or Jason Pollock. 

Wall Photography 

Decorating your home should not be limited by hanging paintings. Spread your imagination; better yet hang some of the most memorable places you’ve been. If you are a traveller, then you might want to hang pictures of your favourite places. Framed wall pictures of nature are always a great addition to a somewhat plain and boring wall. You can even hang your family portraits on the wall for a more dramatic feel. 

Vintage Wall Art 

If you love the good old days, there is a way where you can inject it into your home without going overboard. You can choose a lot of vintage wall décors like emblems, vehicles, drinks, and company names. Vintage wall art is actually a trend on its own, you may not notice it but a lot of places hang at least one vintage wall art on their shop. Go ahead and create your very own “nostalgia” space in your home. 

Wood Art 

One of the most interesting and unique wall arts you can hang is wood art. This amazing art form is making waves in interior design. For centuries, wood art adorns our ancestors home’ ever changing, ever evolving, and ever so stylish, wood art is a great addition to your home. With different styles, wood art keeps is ranks as a top choice for wall decoration. Check our amazing wood art collection here. 


Tuesday 23 July 2019

What makes a Great Boater?

Anyone can board a boat and become a seasoned sailor, skipper, or even a captain, but not everyone can be exceptional doing the job. There are certain qualities that can make a boater a good boater; a good boater strives to be compassionate and calm no matter what circumstances they may be. Their skills are not only constrained to themselves but it tends to influence and inspire everyone on board their ship. 

As no one is perfect, one of the most applaud quality of a good boater is how they readily communicate their expectations and they never underestimate the power of Mother Nature when going ashore. For larger boat and ship, a boater or a captain, need to be more hands-on and set an example to their crew. They are compassionate to the total well-being of the crew and supervise their ship, ensuring a positive work environment. Here are some of the common traits and qualities of a good boater. 

Able to communicate with their fellow boater effectively

A boater, no matter how small needs to have an essential quality of leadership. They can think strategically and maximize the efficiency of the crew. They can command the ship while motivating their crew. 

They prioritize teamwork

A good boater is fully committed to ensuring a good working harmony of his crew. As no sailor can function alone on his own, it requires teamwork to accomplish their task and ensure safety at all times. For a larger boat, work is divided equally to the crew as they work collectively for the safety of their journey

Great decision maker

Most people may find themselves hard to take daily decisions; whether going for a pizza or a Chinese takeout. But for a boater, this is one of the most important skills they need to possess. A good boater should be able to take decisions fast because the safety and their lives depend on it. One wrong decision or slight miscalculations in the route can run them aground or worse they might also collide with other boats within the area. 

Must be disciplined

Discipline is required to every job, but a good boater lives and breathes discipline from the time they wake up and even at the most convenient times. A good boater knows how to work as per the rules and regulations. For larger ship, the captain should set an example for their crew, as they command people in all walks of life and discipline is one of the most universal skills that bring respect. 


Thursday 11 July 2019

What the Future Holds: Getting the Latest Trend in Home Decor

As we mark the half-year calendar, some cannot help wonder about what will be the next big thing for next year. You might think its bit too early, but trendsetters know exactly what to rave for. With each New Year come new interior design trends, so you can upgrade your home with the right vibe with ease. In the previous years, we saw some metallic accents, brass, bare lightning and decorative tiles. 

Interior designers are quite happy with how homeowners take this new trend, and it seems that it won’t be disappearing anytime soon. Experts see new decorating patterns and ideas along with timeless and elegant designs. 2020 may bring in some fresh takes on classic designs and take stylish accents into a new level. Here are some of the trends to watch out for. 

Nature Invasion 

With the environmentalist rallying for a greener earth, it’s no wonder that nature invades most stylish homes. Indoor plants do well for our body, as these can remove toxins and unwanted air pollutants circulating our home. This applies to home interior design as well like copper, concrete, granite and the likes. As living spaces become smaller and expensive as the year passes, adding fresh and natural materials will add serene ambiance to tiny spaces. 

Incorporating Textures and Patterns 

We saw a lot of pattern over the past few years, and it will not be different in the coming years. Instead, interior designers will play around a lot with incorporating textures and patterns to the otherwise boring plain wall. Textures and patterns will spice up any room or house for that matter, it’s just a matter of mixing and matching. Interior designers will find a way to bring in textures, playful proportions, and contrasting colors to refresh the look of your home. 

Finding a Spot for Room Accents 

As pattern make their way in your home, finding the perfect spot for accents amplifies the greatness for this trendy décor. Designers are rooting for metal accents as well like rose gold, copper, and other metals with different kinds of finishes. Earthly hues like red, orange and other earthly tones are seen to stay to decorate more homes for the year 2020. 

One cannot go wrong with black & white décor 

Time and again, homeowners will not go wrong to any black and white home décor. The contrast of this timeless classic provides a great balance for any room. Another great thing with black and white is their versatility of mixing it with other bold textures and patterns. No wonder this classic can never go out of style. 

Artisanal Designs 

As you may have in countless magazines and blogs, it’s great to invest in artisanal designs and other work of art. Not only it’s a conversational starter, it can be a focal point in our home as it adds a very personal touch in your home. May it be a favorite book; portrait, paintings or wood art artisanal pieces that are hand-crafted will add value to your home. It also adds a very comforting and inviting feel for everyone to enjoy. For a very personal touch, check out our unique wood carving art here. 
